Happy 5-Reps Friday!
Here's what's new on the Obvious Choice pod this week.
Episode 69: Business Lessons from a Hippie and ex-Monk
Episode 70: Near-Psychic Industry Predictions (keynote talk)
Moving on, here are 2 coaching concepts, 2 business nuggets, and a quote to consider this week.
2 Coaching Concepts
Mike Doehla would give his successful clients gift cards for new clothing because the old stuff didn’t fit. It wasn’t a gift card for a referral. It was a way for them to celebrate their own success.
They felt great, celebrated, took pictures, and posted them to social media. Friends asked "how the heck did you do that?" Mike got referred. Brilliant.
Sometimes what a client needs can seem counterintuitive.
Trainers must look at the whole human.
The best workout on paper isn't always the best workout for them.
Both physiology and psychology are valuable.
2 Business Nuggets
There’s only 3 ways to gain an advantage in this world:
- You can be luckier.
- You can be smarter.
- You can be more patient.
If you want to be guaranteed success, the easiest and most reliable option is the third––patience.
People who hire coaches, hire a lot of coaches.
People who don't, don't.
Requiring a human to change their habits and belief systems in order to buy from you is playing the game on hard mode. It’s easier to go where people already spend money on similar services and give them a reason to spend more with you.
1 Quote to Consider
"Reliable and consistent success isn’t the result of brilliance. It happens by avoiding mistakes caused by stupidity. It’s helpful to admit that we’re actually amateurs. This way we don’t deceive ourselves into thinking we can somehow outsmart the competition. There is no information advantage. It’s a level playing field. Taking undue risk because we feel we know something others don’t is a mistake."
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Sometimes when my kids don't sleep and I drink coffee it doesn't work. Anybody know where I can get a refund?
P.S. I like dem apples
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Podcast: The Obvious Choice
Software: QuickCoach
Book: Ignite the Fire
Course: Online Trainer Academy
Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship