Looking for the simplest must-have equipment for you and your clients? Here’s your list.
Author: Jerilyn Covert

5-Reps Friday

All posts in "Author: Jerilyn Covert"
Trying to motivate clients when you’re anxious or depressed can feel exhausting.
You work hard but your effort never pays off—and your online “business” feels more like an expensive hobby. This is why.
Learn how to make money as a personal trainer online. Eight successful online trainers share their strategies for earning more.
Looking to start your career? We got 11 successful fit pros to talk about how they landed their first personal training client.
From keto to HIIT to follow-along workouts, the industry ran out of original ideas ages ago. We just keep putting new twists on old methods that work. Understanding that may help give you an edge.
Scaling up is all about marketing and mindset. On this episode of the FitCast, Jonathan Goodman explains exactly how to approach both.
Fitness is all about transformation, yet many trainers approach change all wrong. Forget perfection. The key to success is to embrace the flaws.
Fitness writer Greg Nuckols reveals his secrets for making research-heavy articles accessible to your audience.
Our schools are failing trainers, who in turn are failing their clients. Here’s how to break the vicious cycle and finally achieve success.