Happy 5-Reps Friday!


Here's what's new on the Obvious Choice podcast.

Episode 75: 16 Ways To Add Value Without Money Pt 2
Episode 76: FOMO

Moving on, here are 2 coaching concepts, 2 business nuggets, and a quote to consider this week.

2 Coaching Concepts


3 hours of exercise a week is enough to reduce your risk of heart disease, depression, weight gain, diabetes, certain types of cancers, and premature death.

That's 1.8% of your time.

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It’s not their fault if they don’t follow the plan; it’s yours. You’re the expert. Getting them to follow the plan is your job. Take ownership. If they aren’t doing it, it’s either the wrong plan or has been delivered the wrong way.

2 Business Nuggets


Social media seduces us into thinking that if we figure out how to get attention online, sales will follow. And while there might be some overlap, endlessly posting content to the abyss and trying to get famous in the internet is a gloriously inefficient way to build a business.

Marketing to humans these days has become so (in)human. We spend our days practicing Human Avoidance Marketing (HAM) by stressing about social media because it gives us numbers, not because it works best.

Most purchases, upwards of 90%, happen behind closed doors through an existing connection, referral, or shared passion unrelated to the item or service being sold.



You can work online and still operate locally.

And you can leverage technology and not be an online business. None of these things are mutually exclusive.

The key is to figure out how to best make technology work for you. And when you do, because most won’t, you’ll become a big fish in a small pond, which is a very good type of fish to be.

1 Quote to Consider

"The fastest shortcut to figuring out who to ignore is the expert who purports to have all of the answers. It’s not solutions you should strive to understand, it’s problems. "



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Played Simon says with my son, Calvin, last night. He made me do 20 burpees and 100 push-ups in the rain in my underwear. Freaking personal trainers' kids, I tell ya . . .

P.S. Gonna let this one go on repeat for a while

"Is it possible for free software to be better than paid software?"

Reviews are in, and with 30,000+ registered, personal trainers and their clients are LOVING how easy and slick QuickCoach (QC) is to use.

On a personal note, I made QC for you to show up more professionally for your clients. It's the program design and delivery software I wish I had:

  • free,
  • easy-to-use, and
  • simple with no needless extras.

Whether you're in-person, online, or a combo of both, please test QuickCoach today and play around. I hope you like it and mostly, I hope that it helps.

Register your free account here:
--> www.QuickCoach.Fit

(Once registered, please also join our user Facebook group. We provide incredible support, too.)

QuickCoach users and their clients are ecstatic with the ease of use, no glitches, and zero downtime. Please register your free account today at www.QuickCoach.Fit

Thanks for reading. Here's a few additional ways that I may be able to help you.

Instagram: @itscoachgoodman
Podcast: The Obvious Choice
Software: QuickCoach

Book: Ignite the Fire
Course: Online Trainer Academy
Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship