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Personal trainers. Don't you hate marketing and sales. Cold calling leads, giving away free assessments, knocking on doors or the dreaded hour meeting with a lead praying that they finally "get" what you're trying to say.

I've spoken a lot about Facbeook marketing before, many of you should have read the free eBook by now. Social media is the most powerful tool at your fingertips. Fitness is perfectly primed for social media for a couple of reasons:

1. It allows you to sell your value to potential clients before you ever meet them.

2. Emotion drives action. People online want to show off that they are attractive. Sending around fitness advice or others (i.e. you, their trainer) telling them how awesome they're doing helps them selectively self-represent.

But how do you get messages to spread?

Maybe you already have a blog or website and are frustrated by the lack of visitors. Even if you don't have a website what if I were to tell you that every lead you will ever need is already on your Facebook friend list.

You just have to learn how to a) find them. b) convince them of your value c) give them a reason to tell their world why you're awesome and d) give them a reason to take action.

This is why I created Viralnomics
