If you’re looking to grow your personal training business, you probably understand that digital marketing is important. But how do you get people interested in your ideas? How do you generate ideas that your target market, client, or customer is going to care about?

In reality, this is more about presenting your helpful ideas in a way that your clients will care about them. You might be under a lot of pressure to create great content, but remember that one great idea is better than countless terrible ones. So what do you need to know about content creation? Learn more below!

Dealing with the stress of content creation

Today, people are under more pressure than ever to create good content. You probably feel like you have to generate ideas every day just to stay relevant. After all, if you aren't relevant, you may have a difficult time generating online traction, which will make it harder for your target market to find you.

“I need to create content now! What do I say?”

If this is a question you’re constantly asking yourself, it is annoying, and you need to stop. The pressure is omnipresent, but if you feel forced to create ideas, they won’t be good. Putting out bad ideas is almost worse than not saying anything at all.

Therefore, you should take the time to figure out how you can create one piece of great content that will convince your target market that you have the answers. How does this process work?

What are your clients worried about?

First, you need to figure out what your clients are worried about. That way, you can figure out what their pain points are and create content to directly address them.

There’s a saying that it’s easier to unite people against a common enemy than it is to unite people in pursuit of a common goal. It’s not wrong—some people build their entire careers around being angry at something new every day. But you don’t want to surround yourself with this type of negativity. It’s stressful and emotionally exhausting, and can burn you out. Fortunately, there’s an easier way.

Do your target market research

The first thing you have to do is your target market research. Figure out what your market is frustrated by. There are plenty of ways you can do this. You can travel to numerous online locations, including:

  • Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat
  • Online forums, such as Reddit
  • Video pages, such as YouTube
  • News outlets related to your target market

Then, you can see what your target market is saying. What are they most frustrated about? If you can see what their frustrations are, you can generate ideas to address those concerns.

Ask your clients directly: Generate ideas

There’s also a chance that you interact with your target market through email, on your own social media profiles, or even face-to-face. If that’s the case, ask them directly:

“What is the one thing you are most concerned about in your industry?”

This isn't rocket science. All you have to do is ask them. If people feel like you’re trying to solve their problems, they will share them with you. This can give you content creation ideas you can use to address their concerns.

An example of content creation in action

Generating ideas can be hard, and it may be helpful to take a look at an example of content creation in action. One of the biggest issues related to education in the fitness industry is that a lot of curricula are outdated. Trainers are not receiving the education they need to help their clients.

So we created a caricature of a trainer from the 1980s sharing hilariously awful fitness education ideas. We created videos and shared them with others, communicating the point that fitness education is outdated. This idea generated traction and helped us grow our fitness education platform without being overtly negative. This creativity addressed a significant pain point and resonated with our audience.

If you want to learn more about how to generate ideas and content creation, take a look at our videos and follow us on social media!

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