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Featured Video Series

Hiring Trainers - Jonathan Goodman and Mystery Presenter

This 3-day video series was produced for prospective and current gym owners to help you find, hire, and train your idea trainers. Watch all 3 today to learn how to finally find responsible staff to grow your business to make more money and help more people.

Our Choice for the Article of the Week

Is Running Natural? - Mike Sheridan


Looking to the past, Mike Sheridan explains why running for extended periods of time typically does more harm than good. Examining our hunter-gatherer ancestors shows how humans flourish with a combination of walking and sprinting, rather than long distance jogging. Despite the goal of becoming thinner, jogging in the long-term can cause damage to the joints and increase stress, among other detrimental effects.


Fat Loss

7 Things to Steal From Competitors - Dani Shugart, T-Nation

Dieting vs. Recovery - Tim Berzins

Get ya' mind right: 5 ways to start a mindset practice - Neghar Fonooni

How Many Calories Should You Eat Per Day to Lose Weight? - Kris Gunnars

1 Powerful Mind Trick to Help You Stay on Track with Your Diet...FOREVER! - Jordan Syatt

General Health

How To Tell When a Trainer Sucks - Christian Thibaudeau, T-Nation

Critical Eye for Program Design - Tony Gentilcore, MikeReinold.com

About that "Powerful" New Obesity Video Everyone's Sharing - Yoni Freedhoff

Training the Diabetic Client - TJ Allan, thePTDC.com

The Courage of the Female Football Player - Amy Wattles, Elitefts


Exercise Spotlight: Kettlebell Swing - Karen Smith, GGS

The art of avoiding injuries - Anthony Dexmier

Is Bodybuilding Even a Sport? - Sarah Hipps

Hustle and Flow for More Muscle - Bryan Krahn

3 Size Training Tools That Get the Short End of the Stick - Lee Boyce, Schwarzenegger.com

Strength Training

Training Jane From Joe: Do Women Need to Train Differently Than Men? - Tony Gentilcore

Stress: The Silent Killer (Of Gains) - Greg Nuckols

5 Things I Learny From Andy Bolton - Tara Senic

External Hip Rotation in the Squat- Justin Lascek, 70s Big

Peaking for Powerlifting - Michael Israetel, JTS Strength


"Eating when you're sick: Should you feed a cold? Or starve a fever?" -  Ryan Andrews & Brian St. Pierre, Precision Nutrition

Making Sense Of Science: The Truth About Carbs - Part 1 - Krista Rompolski

Victual voodoo #4: eat something you hate every day - Anthony Mychal