The Top Article of the Week

Gary Taubes and Stephan Guyenet, PhD, go head-to-head on Joe Rogan's podcast.

Taubes, author of Good Calories, Bad Calories, argues that obesity is caused not by calories but by carbohydrates and insulin.

Guyenet, author of The Hungry Brain, explains why most obesity researchers disagree.

At two hours and 30 minutes, this debate might pair well with that steady-state cardio you've been avoiding. Enjoy!

General Health

Do Kids Belong in the Weight Room? -- Brett Klika, ACE

11 Diet and Fitness Trends That Are Not Actually New -- Jerilyn Covert, the PTDC

What's the Real Story Behind that New Egg Study? -- Abby Langer, Abby Langer Nutrition

Fat Loss

Does Fasted Training Burn More Fat? -- Aadam Ali, Physiqonomics

Why I Love Fasting (and Why You Should Too) -- Taylor Simon,

The '90s Called and It Wants Its Diet Back -- Eric Maroscher, Elite FTS

If It Fits Your Macros --

Strength Training

The Science of Finding the Perfect Squat Stance -- John Rusin and Ryan DeBell,

The 7 Most Important Lifts -- Clay Hyght, T Nation

50 Impossible Exercises You Can't Do -- Joel Seedman, Advanced Human Performance


5 Fitness Continuing Education Tips to Save Time, Money, and Confusion -- Nick Tumminello,