The Top Article of the Week

Personal Trainers: Wear Clothes -- Lee Boyce,

Social media can be a great tool to build your fitness business, but it needs to be used with caution. Lee Boyce has it covered (pun intended).

General Health

Motivation Is Bullshit -- Chris Tutela, Elite FTS

Eliminate Options: Driving Action with a Strong Default Mode -- Shane Trotter, Breaking Muscle

How Self-Awareness Improves Performance in Sports and Life -- Erica Suter,


Fat Loss

The Raw, Hard Truth About How to Get Shredded -- Christian Finn, Muscle Evo

Do Ketogenic Diets Cause Muscle Loss? Here's What Science Says -- Vincent Sparagna, Myolean Fitness

Dietary Pinball: How to Choose the Best Diet for You – Part 1 -- Matt Mearns, Healthy Living, Heavy Lifting

Strength Training

Genetics-Based Expectations Affect Your Physiology -- Greg Nuckols, Stronger by Science

Bridging the Gap Between Science and Practice in Fitness Continuing Education -- Nick Tumminello,

Programming for Weightlifting: Exercise Selection and Sequencing -- Chad Wesley Smith and Max Aita, Juggernaut Training Systems

The Bulking and Cutting Handbook -- Paul Carter, T Nation


Social Media for Your Gym: Pick a Lane and Stay In It -- Pete Dupuis,