We scan the net, but if you'd like to submit your article for consideration, please do so via The PTDC Article Submission Form.
The Top Article of the Week
In this week's top article, Jason Eure dives into common reasons why many people suffer with nagging biceps pain when performing squatting or benching.
This comprehensive guide gives readers advice on how to tweak their training to help maintain strength and correct the problem.
General Health
How to Train Clients with SI Joint Pain in Pregnancy -- Jessie Mundell, Girls Gone Strong
Young Athletes Must Hip Hinge -- Shane Trotter, BreakingMuscle.com
Tension and Training -- Dan John
Strength Training
Training with Biceps Tendinopathy -- Greg Nuckols
Stability~Variability in Warm-up -- Mladen Jovanovic, Complementarytraining.net
3 Mistakes Coaches Make When Training Women -- Tony Gentilcore, MikeReinold.com
Fat Loss
Why Can't I put the Cookie Down -- Justin Kompf
Fat Loss and the Menstrual Cycle -- Joe Neil
New Science: Spot Reduction Is Not A Myth -- Bayesian Bodybuilding
Fitness Industry Survival Tips -- Travis Hansen, Tonygentilcore.com
How to Cut Through the Industry’s Bullsh*t -- Nick Tumminello, The PTDC
How To Give Yourself Super Human Mental Fitness And Explode Your Fitness Business -- Jim Kwik and Sean Mabry, PT Power