The Top Article of the Week

How do we boost adherence in clients?

In the fitness industry, we often focus on the 'nuts and bolts' of the optimal diet or workout plan but often overlook the psychological aspects. You can have the best plan in the world but without client adherence, it's useless.

How can we boost client adherence in a way that is supported by science?


Find out in the top article of the week, "How to stick to a diet or workout plan, according to science" by John Fawkes.

General Health

Bigger Better Deal -- Dan John

Loaded Carries for Improved Body Position and Health.  -- Jason Colley, Elite FTS

Why HIIT Might Help Your PCOS -- Despina Pavlou, Breaking Muscle

Strength Training

Inflammation: the major regulator of muscle growth nobody talks about -- Menno Henselmans

The Peculiar State of Fitness Assessments   -- Tony Gentilcore

Your Guide To Building Muscle In Your 30s (And Beyond)  -- Jason Maxwell

Fat Loss

The 5.5 Characteristics of A Successful Fat Loss Plan -- Jorden Pagel

4 Techniques To Bust Through Your Weight Loss Plateaus -- Rudy Mawer

More Evidence That More Exercise Doesn't Up Total Calorie Burn -- Yoni Freedhoff


9 Gym Hacks for Personal Traiers and Studio Owners -- Elsbeth Vaino

How To Hire The First Employee For Your Fitness Business -- Ryan Ketchum, Fitness Revolution

10 Big Lessons from Must-See Movies for Entrepreneurs -- The Oracles