The Top Article of the Week

The Ultimate Fat Loss Guide -- Jorden Pagel

As a new personal trainer, you're expected to play the role of "fitness expert". For many new trainers this is a daunting thought. How can you pretend to be an expert, while you feel you still have so much more to learn?

Here's the good news -- being the expert doesn't require you to use sophisticated scientific lingo. It also doesn't require you to say anything that hasn't been said before. As a fitness expert, your job is to curate the information that your client needs in an easy-to-understand format. And most importantly -- it's your job to make it easy for them to take action.

This week's top article by Jorden Pagel is a beautiful example of a well-crafted article that gives his clients everything they need to know, without any fluff.

General Health

The Only 2 Movement Skills You Need To Train -- Shane Trotter, Breaking Muscle

3 Things I Hate (But Still Do Every Day) -- John Romaniello

Just Keep Swimming -- Amanda Perry

Is Saturated Fat Bad? No. But It’s Not a Health Food Either -- Clint Carter, Born Fitness

A Complete Guide to Getting What You Want -- David Cain


Strength Training

To Swab or Not to Swab: Genetic Testing and Performance -- Jennifer Petrosino, Elite FTS

What Are the Components of a Great Warm-Up? -- Ingrid Marcum, Girls Gone Strong

3 Non-Traditional Movements to Overcome Weakness in the Overhead Press -- Zach Gallman, EliteFTS

Natural Gains: The Proven Training Strategies -- Eric Bach, T Nation

Are You Engaging the Right Muscles When You Squat? -- Tony Gentilcore


Fat Loss

7 Cold Hard Fat Loss Truths -- Daniel Harrod

Cheat Meal vs. Cheat Day(s) -- Skip Hill, Elite FTS

How to Exercise for Losing Fat -- Kevin Mullins

Tip: Bulletproof Coffee is Stupid -- TC Laoma, T Nation



Make These 6 Changes to Finish the Second Half Strong -- Kimanzi Constable, Entrepreneur

5 Tips for Creating A Morning Ritual That Sticks -- Alexandra Douwes , Forbes

Five Questions To Spark A Business Connection -- Matt Toledo, Forbes

How To Stand Out In A Crowded Market -- Beverly Flaxington, Forbes

How to Be a Size-Friendly Coach (Regardless of Your Own Size) -- Shohreh Davoodi, Girls Gone Strong