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The Top Article of the Week


Dave wants to become a personal trainer. Dave buys a textbook, studies hard, passes his exam, and gets his first job at the local gym. Woo-hoo Dave. But there's a problem. Dave doesn't know all the answers to the wide array of questions the gym members ask him. So, in an effort to affirm his position as "the fitness expert", Dave responds confidently with answers that he's pretty sure are true. At least, he's definitely heard these answers before. Somewhere. At some point. He thinks.

Dave's situation is, unfortunately, far from unique. Let's face it, no certification could possibly prepare a new trainer to know everything about everything related to fitness. It's one of the reasons continuing education (not to be confused with collecting CEU's) is so crucial. In this week's top article, you'll read through 4 popular core training beliefs that you might be pretty sure are true. But are they?

General Health

3 Ways to Tap into Your Mental Muscle -- Nate Palmer, DrJohnRusin.com

Don't Let the Fitness Industry Tell You What to Do -- Robert Camacho, Breaking Muscle

Life Ain't Easy: Train Anyway -- Pete Hitzeman, Breaking Muscle

How to Talk to Fat People -- James Fell

4 Easy Ways to Fix Shoulder Pain -- Alex Nurse, T-Nation

Strength Training

Partial Movements for Raw Lifters? -- Thomas Lilley, Juggernaut

This Will Make You Better: Hamstring Bridge Hold to Bent Over Row Combo -- Harold Gibbons

6 Unconventionally Simple Exercises -- Chris Cooper, TonyGentilcore.com

Tip: Hone Your Technique With Wall Squats -- Chad Waterbury, T-Nation

Exercises You Should Be Doing: 1-Arm Bottoms-Up Anything -- Tony Gentilcore


How Food Marketing Strategies Fool Us Into Thinking Their Food Is Healthy -- Yoni Freedhoff, the PTDC

Why Some People Can Eat More Carbs Than Others -- Adam Bornstein, Greatist

How To Eat For Maximum Muscle Growth At Any Age! -- Layne Norton, Bodybuilding.com

How Creatine Helps You Gain Muscle and Strength -- Rudy Mawer, Authority Nutrition

How Short-Chain Fatty Acids Affect Health and Weight -- Mary Jane Brown, Authority Nutrition


4 Exercises You Should Do To Build A Bigger Back -- Tanner Baze

The Flat Butt Fix -- Dani Shugart, T-Nation

5 Unforgivable Muscle Building Workout Mistakes Beginners Make -- Steve Hall

The 7 New Rules of Lifting -- Christian Thibaudeau, T-Nation

Fat Loss

Treating Obesity Like a Chronic Disease Leads to Better Weight-Loss Maintenance -- Arya M. Sharma

More Fibre, More Fat Loss -- David O'Connor

Water Burns: Tread Water to Lose Fat -- Chris Holder, Breaking Muscle

How to Stay Fit (And Avoid Fat Gain) While Traveling -- Slyvon Blanco